
酒店套房模板 by RockThemes

This hotel Joomla theme features a rather capacious layout accommodating multiple elements in a compact manner. Visitors can easily look through your vacant rooms in a full-width slider at the top...
Sales: 167
Support: 4.1/5
This template offers you a full package of features required for any successful project. With its help you will be able to design a compelling site with a great navigation and stunning performance....
Sales: 37
Support: 4.1/5
Undoubtedly, the most spectacular part of this hotel Joomla template is header video showing the hotel itself and the environments surrounding it. 然后是欢迎区. 文本已经写好了...
Sales: 138
Support: 4.1/5
这是一个Bootstrap酒店预订Joomla设计?Bootstrap是一个带有开源代码的工具集合. 它非常适合用HTML、CSS和HTML构建网站和web应用程序...
Sales: 37
Support: 4.1/5
如果你拥有一家酒店,有一个优雅的, 优雅的室内, 这个模板很好地传达了一种奢侈, royal feel. 请不要误解所有这些赞美的称谓. 我们不想说你的...
Sales: 98
Support: 4.1/5
计划假期, 我们希望一切都完美,酒店房间应该舒适, 食物应该是美味的, 天气应该是晴朗的. 对于我们中的许多人来说,酒店网站是第一个...
Sales: 191
Support: 4.1/5
Make name for your hotel rooms or apartment hotel online with this up-to-date villa hotel Joomla website design. Invite more customers to men's fashion blog, street fashion blog or fashion blogs...
Sales: 32
Support: 4.1/5
选择这个易于定制的酒店Joomla网站模板, 这将有可能不仅获得更多的网站访问者, 同时也是为了确保稳固的在线形象. 开发干净有效...
Sales: 36
Support: 4.1/5
Hostel services Joomla web design will enable you to put up or modernize the present one to meet your 需求. If you want a website for your motel or accommodation reviews, this theme is an...
Sales: 16
Support: 3/5


推广酒店或度假中心总是一项具有挑战性的任务. People want to relax and have a great time without worrying about anything. 证明你的度假胜地值得他们关注是很重要的. 当然,人们使用网站来获取必要的信息. It is important to build a modern site that looks stunning and makes people want to visit your hotel. 我们提供的酒店Joomla模板对您来说是一个很好的选择. You are welcome to browse the sleek and modern templates for your online projects. Being easily editable, they will not require a lot of time for customization. Our Joomla templates come with stylish layouts and good 功能 - it is crucial for a successful online project. Such templates allow you to build a stunning website and appeal to your targeted audience.

度假村的主要特色 & 住宿预订模板


  • UI elements - a set of various components will help you achieve the desired look and 功能.
  • Premade pages - you get templates for various pages, such as our team, history, pricing, etc.
  • Theme color switcher - change the color scheme quickly to match your brand identity.
  • Megamenu -您可以快速添加简单和复杂的菜单.
  • Slider - grab visitors' attention by posting stunning images of your hotel and rooms.
  • 视差-深度效果将使您的网站看起来令人印象深刻.
  • Back-to-top button - facilitate the website navigation and let visitors get back to the top of the page immediately.
  • Multiple languages support - make your website available in several languages. It is crucial for hotels and resorts because you will probably have clients from different countries.
  • SEO-optimization - improve a website's search engine ranking and make it easier to find via search engines. 与你们的竞争对手相比,这是一个很大的优势.
  • 谷歌字体, 详细的文档, Google Maps, 干净和优化的代码, 联络及查册表格, and more.


模板对于初学者和有经验的开发人员来说是一个很好的选择. The included 详细的文档 contains useful information that may help you achieve the desired result. Numerous features make our templates versatile and ideal for the most complex projects. 同时, 性能优化确保您的网站将快速工作, 不管你用了多少元素.

Our hotels Joomla templates are ideal for promoting a resort center, motel, or hotel. Such themes are also great for online services that feature hotel listings and help people choose what meets their 需求.

与度假村网站创建提示 & 住宿预订模板

A template will be a basis for your project, and it is important to choose it attentively. 它应该有你需要的所有功能. 如果您使用左侧面板,选择完美的模板将更容易.

  • 设置标签,颜色,价格范围,用户评级,功能和其他选项.
  • 访问产品页面查看产品说明, 功能列表, 需求, 和截图.
  • 将模板添加到购物车中,结帐并下载.
  • 安装并激活主题.
  • Now you need to edit the design - add or remove various components, change the colors.
  • 上传你的内容,比如文字、照片和视频.

Your site is ready, and you should focus on its promotion and maintenance. 确保信息是正确和有用的是很重要的. 确保文章没有错别字.

如果价格变动,立即更新价格. It is also crucial to upload new content - consider adding photos that show how amazing your hotel or resort is. 一个简短的视频是一个很好的选择来展示一个房间. The content quality is important - use high-quality videos and photos only.

网站应该看起来很现代, and that is why you should consider using animated elements and the parallax effect.



Responsive themes exclude any issues people may have when they visit your website using mobile devices. If people have problems with your website - they leave it, and you lose a potential client.


我们的大多数模板都与可视化页面构建器兼容. 这意味着您可以完全避免代码编辑. 视觉页面建设者使网站设计编辑容易和快速. It is a good option for people who prefer to focus on the design, not the code.




免费主题可能缺乏所需的功能. It means that you need to download extra extensions, and it can take a lot of time. 尽管如此,免费模板对于小型或个人项目还是很有用的. Consider buying a premium template if you want to build a modern website and help your business grow. It already includes everything you may need to create impressive websites.

为什么要使用Joomla度假村 & 住宿预订主题? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

观看关于杰出Joomla酒店主题功能的有用视频. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, 内置页面编辑器, 以及更有价值的机会来打造您的度假村 & 住宿预订网站项目独特而成功!